Ninth International Conference on Systems, Science, Control, Communication, Engineering, and Technology 2023


Category INR
Authors (ASDF Members) / Author 750
Authors (Non-Members) / Author 900
Listeners / Listener 500
Extra Pages (Per Page) 500
Copyright 200
  • One regular registration can cover a paper within SIX pages, including all figures, tables, and references for one main author of the paper.
  • One regular registration covers only to a maximum of 4 (FOUR) authors in the paper.
  • All the registration fees quoted above are excluding the Taxes (20%).
  • Additional fees for the co-authors of the paper as applicable during the registration.

Authors Registration Kit

  • Participation in Technical Program
  • Conference Proceedings (CD Format)
  • Schedule of the Conference
  • Publishing Certificate

Listeners Registration Kit

  • Participation in Technical Program
  • Conference Proceedings (Optional)
  • Schedule of the Conference
  • Participation Certificate